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Image by Daphné Richard


Counselling | Psychology | Psychotherapy


We just opened a new clinic in Dublin


Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going.

Noam Shpancer

PsyMentalHealth's clinics are located Naas and Dublin. 
Our team of psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors have been providing mental health care and support to children, adolescents, adults, families and couples coming from several locations like Carlow, Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Naas and Wicklow.
All our therapists are independent practitioners, that ensure the client has the needed confidentiality and empathy during the therapy process. We provide the client the time and space needed to deal with their presented difficulty.
PsyMentalHealth's premises are open 7 days a week, Monday to Sunday, from 8am to 9pm.
We provide both face-to-face sessions and online sessions. Online sessions are not available for children.

Children Therapy

It is not attention that the child is seeking, but love.

Sigmund Freud

Adolescents Therapy

The adolescent's task is to abandon the world of childhood and integrate into the world of adults, to abdicate the childhood advantages to be able to assume the benefits of adulthood because the solution of enjoying both is not viable.

António Coimbra de Matos

Adults Therapy

Allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be fully happy and free.

Yung Pueblo

The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart, and come out even stronger.

Our Team
Daniela Carvalho

Daniela Carvalho

Daniela Carvalho - Clinical Psychologist

Debbie Grimes

Debbie Grimes

Debbie Grimes - Practice Manager

Julieta Casal

Julieta Casal

Julieta Casal - Psychologist

Kasha Skoczen

Kasha Skoczen

Kasha Skoczen - Psychologist and Psychotherapist

Margo Grudzien

Margo Grudzien

Margo Grudzien - Clinical Forensic Psychologist & Neuropsychologist

Maryanne Mubea

Maryanne Mubea

Maryanne Mubea-Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction Counsellor

Nicole Charalambous

Nicole Charalambous

Nicole Charalambous - Counsellor and Psychotherapist

Sarah Houlihan

Sarah Houlihan

Sarah Houlihan - Counsellor and Psychotherapist

Teodora Dimitrijević

Teodora Dimitrijević

Teodora Dimitrijević - Counsellor and Psychotherapist

Yvonne Kendellen

Yvonne Kendellen

Yvonne Kendellen - Counsellor and Psychotherapist


The Counsellors, Psychologists & Psychotherapists at PsyMentalHealth practise independently on his or her own behalf. 

The Therapeutic Contract that exists is one between the therapist and his or her client(s) and PsyMentalHealth is not party to any such contracts.

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